Story on my page:
Mental health is still a taboo. Childhood trauma is still a taboo. Sexual abuse is still a taboo. I think it is imperative that we break this silence. Nobody should feel defined by negative or difficult experiences, and nobody should feel defined by their appearance. Being open and being able to speak out can help to clear some of that fog. A charity like mind can give people this chance.
Therefore I am shaving allll my hair off to raise money for mind, as it supports survivors of all sorts, as well as those struggling with mental health in general.
I want to increase awareness around these issues. The social constructs of ‘normality’ can cause people to feel outcasted; they can cause people to remain silenced; I dream of a world where this is no longer a barrier to freedom and I wish everyone to be who they want to be without the fear of judgement or rejection.
I will also be running a mini campaign in the secondary school I work at about ‘image’, the importance of fighting stereotypes and the importance of focusing on inner beauty rather than appearance and experience.
I encourage you to share your story with others, starting with those close to you, whether it be one of celebration or one of suffering, to keep discussions about mental health forever open and forever flowing…
I will also be donating the hair towards a charity that makes wigs for cancer patients.