Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011. It is an additional grant to main school funding to address the current underlying national inequalities between students from low income families and other students.
It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium Grant is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made in supporting individual students.
Our aim at Denton Community College is to build on current practice in helping all students to achieve their potential by further increasing the focus on the progress and attainment of FSM and CLA students. We are committed to raising the aspiration, attainment and well-being of our least financially advantaged students. The additional funding will be used to support this aim.
In particular, we want to increase attainment of FSM and CLA students and therefore close the gap between this group and non-FSM students. We will also encourage our students to develop their own individual strengths. We believe that we have a responsibility to help our young people to realise their dreams, to fulfil their potential and go on to succeed in the workplace and wider world. We aim to equip our students for life and its many challenges and opportunities and are fully committed to achieving this.
For further information please down the Pupil Premium document here