Home Learning has two strands:
Weekly Tasks
- A weekly task will be set for each subject at KS3 and KS4 (previously known as homework) on Google Classroom.
- Students will have one week to complete these tasks and can use their Home Learning Afternoon in order to do this
- It will be up to the students as to which pieces of work they will complete during that afternoon
- All students will need to complete all of the tasks by the deadline set by their teacher
- Paper copies of this task will be available from the subject teacher if required
Absence and Self Isolation
Should your child need to spend time at home, they can access their classwork through Google Classroom.
Home Learning 5th – 18th January 2021
All work will be set through Google Classroom.
Who do I contact if I have an issue?
Should your child be unable to access Google Classroom, please email: googlereset@dentoncommunitycollege.org.uk and ask for a password reset.
Home Learning is a formal part of the curriculum and the work set is monitored by classroom teachers and quality assured by the Senior Leadership Team.
This new aspect of the curriculum will ensure that:
- It remains broad and balanced
- It remains engaging and stimulating for students
- All students have the opportunity to follow all the subjects that we offered before Lockdown
Home Learning Letter to Parents 21st September 2020 – Click Here
Home learning schedule – Click Here